Wow!  Thank you so much for your support of our clients at Community Support Connections – Meals on Wheels and More.  Thank you to everyone who purchased a ticket for Tacofest 2015, we sold out in one minute this year which is amazing!

We are so appreciative of our taco and beer vendors who are generously donating their dishes and bevies so that your contributions go directly to our clients.

To answer a few commonly asked questions, please see below:

Why don’t you sell more tickets?

We have a limited capacity due to fire code which we’re not gonna break cause we wanna be safe.

Why don’t you find a bigger location?

We love THEMUSEUM, and if we found a bigger location we would need more beer and more tacos.  Our vendors are already contributing so much, and there are only so many local restaurants and catering companies that can participate each year due to size, staffing, other events they are a part of.  We appreciate everything they do for us and are so excited for Tacofest 2015!

If you are interested in volunteering at Tacofest, you can apply online at!