We wanted to taco’ bout some really exciting news with you about Tacofest in support of Community Support Connections – Meals on Wheels and More! For the first time ever since the inception of Tacofest, due to an exhibit closing on the third floor of THEMUSEUM, we have the opportunity to expand our capacity. Brace yourself for what’s next . . . If you haven’t guessed it already, this means even more tacos and more beer, thanks to all of our generous vendors, who are great supporters of CSC and who graciously donate their product to Tacofest. Great news, right?
But wait, there’s more. This also means that we will be selling 90 more tickets to Tacofest, presented by MTE via Evenbrite. Didn’t get it right the first time? We believe in second chances! Try your luck again on June 11th at Noon. Good luck! We will be announcing four additional vendors to help us feed the crowd, stay tuned.
Follow our twitter handles @CSCMOW to stay current and see what’s happening at CSC or stay tuned with Tacofest and follow us @TacofestWR