Always up for some friendly competition, our generous vendors bring their best tacos and brews to Tacofest in hopes of taking home some snazzy awards up for grabs, including the legendary Golden Taco Trophy, the People’s Taco, the Vegetarian Victor, Best Brew, and the People’s Brew. Below, learn how you can have your say for both your favourite taco and drink!

The Golden Taco: A panel of judges completes blind judging, sampling from each vendor and using a standardized scorecard to allocate points to each taco. Scoring categories include originality, ingredients, and construction. The taco vendor with the most points wins the Golden Taco Trophy (and all associated bragging rights).

The People’s Taco and the Vegetarian Victor: You have to make up your mind. Upon entry, every Tacofester gets to choose which type of taco they want to vote for: either meat OR vegetarian. You will get either a red voting token OR a green voting token. The red token is used to vote for your favourite meat-filled taco, and the green is for your favourite vegetarian taco. (Because green reminds us of lettuce.) Place your token into your favourite vendor’s voting box near the stage before the end of the night. The vendor with the most tokens wins.

Best Brew: A panel of smarty-pants judges completes a blind sampling of each brewers’ top pick, using a standardized scorecard. Scoring categories include appearance, aroma, flavour, and mouthfeel. (They told us that’s a thing.) The brew vendor with the most points wins the Best Brew.

The People’s Brew: Tacofesters will also receive a brown voting token upon entry. Similar to the People’s Taco, every vendor has a voting box on display near the stage. Vote for your favourite brew by placing your token into your favourite vendor’s voting box. The vendor with the most tokens wins.

We’re a charity, so we will not be printing off extra copies of the scorecards for everyone, but if you want to print off your own scorecards to help you keep track of your favourites, feel free to print them off and use them yourself so you can feel fancy:

Taco Scorecard I Brew Scorecard

This competition can get pretty serious, but let’s not forget that all 32 of our vendors are donating their time and products out of the goodness of their hearts to support the good work of Community Support Connections – Meals on Wheels and More (CSC). Plus, who doesn’t love winning stuff?